
Friday, December 3, 2010

Cod update on the way!!

Coming soon a patch will be coming out for call of duty black ops on the consoles! 
The planned fixes to see are:
  • sniper fixes (making sniping less nerfed)
  • knife lunge fixes
  • ps3 grouping fixes
These are the main things coming and i think It'll be great to actually be able to snipe in the game and maybe not get commando lunged all the time.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Halo Reach ranks: my opinion

       Halo reach has added a new system for leveling and for buying armor upgrades for style points. The system in general looks and sounds great but when you get to the details it gets a little less promising. The first problem i am seeing is that the ranks take way to much time to achieve unless you are farming for credits and having no fun. Then the next problem happens, why do i even want to level? Just for some new helmet or a piece of armor that doesn't help me at all in the game? That is just not that great of a reason to want to level in the game. Specially when you need over 100,000 credits for some further ranks. The system is flawed in this way. Maybe if you could level faster to feel gratified by leveling, instead of farming, or have you unlock useful things to help change the game. 
     Now i am in no way a hater of halo i have been playing since Halo combat evolved. I love the series from Bungie and in my opinion they had it right with Halo 2. It was an amazing game, and the leveling just felt more gratifying and more fun to me. Halo 3 it kept the same leveling style and was also great. The main upside of the new system is that its fresh. I hope that the next halo title, which will be made by a new developer, improves the system. I wont stop playing halo as the best upside of reach is in the gameplay. The gameplay is what saves it for me and keeps me coming back but i definitely don't come back to see that I am the same rank for a week.

Whats your opinion on Halo Reach ranks and leveling?

Call of Duty to prestige or not to prestige?

     As others hit the level cap of 50 i bet you wonder to yourself should i prestige? Well im going to break down the positives and negatives for you right now:
  • More custom class spots
  • prestige leader boards
  • you keep clan tag and clan name
  • more face paints and golden guns farther into prestige's
  • more items for your clan tag and clan name
  • just looking cooler and showing off
Less positive
  • Loss of all your cod money and items
  • Once you start its a long way to 15th prestige
  • You have to earn all your weapons and pro perks back
      My opinion on it all is why not prestige the leveling is half the fun and you get to show off all your time and hard work.The worst part is getting pro perks and losing the higher guns. This is a downer but hey i could use some practice with the M16 and the lower guns again.
There are the facts and my opinion but the choice is yours!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Call of Duty patch

Call of duty on the Xbox 360 has recently got an update from what i can tell this is what has been improved:
  • Footstep sound is increased
  • Spawns are a little less crazy at times (still problems to be fixed though)
  • Team dropping when looking for matches happens a lot less
  • Connection issues are slightly improved overall
I see this update as a stepping stone for whats to come. There already fixing the glitches and problems with the game and its only been a week or so now. This shows that there going to take care of the problems and make sure its always a fun game for us. A GREAT THING TO SEE!

Any one have something i missed? leave a comment please

Tech Talk

The next Ipad

     The first Ipad had huge sales and i predict the refresh will be just the same. Talk has been going around the internet with some of the predictions of whats to come in this new device and here is what i believe it will have.
  • 7 inch display possibly with higher resolution
  • longer battery life (though its not really needed)
  • a processor that is at least 1.5ghz single core maybe going to duel cores as Blackberry did
  • duel cameras for face time
  • The same price range as before no major price drops
     All of these sound very likely because of the new focus on face time and the new competition making them strive for faster technology.  I am an owner of the Ipad and i love the device but would I recommend getting the refresh for the owners out there like me? Simply put not right yet, the new device will most likely be just hyped up for slight speed increases and face time. These speed increases are not that needed as the Ipad is already very fast. Now face time could be a bigger deal for some but its nothing you cant find on your mac or on your Ipod touch.
     For me at least it seems to be only down to a speed and form factor upgrade. Not worth the upgrade this refresh is my prediction, but you never know what Apple may do when its released.

Whats your opinion on the Ipad and its refresh? Anything you would like to see?
Leave a comment and let me know

A multiplayer review for Call of Duty: Black Ops

The only way to describe the experience of multiplayer in this game is amazing.

     Before you leave and assume I'm just a fan boy as you see in many places, I do know the downsides as well as the ups in this game and i will address them too. To be honest the online experience here is very amazing it stands out from the last few games as it is actually challenging. There is no more commando pro or just infinite newb toob. The game play alot like COD 2 where it was more reliant on skill instead of kill streaks or crazy perks, this makes for a great feeling when u get your kill streak up or just get a few nice kills. This will test the COD fans and the challenge is very refreshing to see back. The kill streaks and perks are all very balanced. The money system is great as well because you can purchase just what you want and that leads into the amazing customization in this game! You can literally make your weapons just for you. Witch really makes the game just that much more fun. 

     Now there are a few downsides right now that i do see being fixed in patches. The spawns are horrible at times. Sometimes i will spawn and the enemy will spawn right behind me or about 10 feet to my left. This is very annoying and sucks when it happens to you. I feel this will be fixed and its not happening so often that im constantly raging. Next is the server kicking groups or making you drop your team as you enter your playlist. They are working on this issue so i dont see it as much of a problem. (at least we all can hope) The issues are easily over looked by an amazing experience and all around fun gameplay.

  • Gameplay is fresh and challenging again 
  • Great balance in the game
  • patches being worked on to fix bugs such as party and spawns
  • Over all fun and exciting COD experience again